
  • Zakkiyah Raudhatul Jannah Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Rana Gustian Nugraha
  • Enjang Yusup Ali



This research was carried out to produce a product in the form of e-book format (electronic book) teaching materials that discuss ASEAN topics in social studies learning theme eight subthemes 1, uploaded on the Issuu platform. This research uses research and development (R&D) methods with the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) model. Data was collected through two types of questionnaires: 1) a Validation questionnaire filled out by expert validators (teaching materials, material, language) to assess the suitability of the teaching materials. and 2) a User questionnaire filled out by class teachers and students. The teaching materials developed in this research have gone through a validation process by experts and users with the following results: Material experts gave a score of 80% with "decent" criteria, Linguist experts gave a score of 95% with "very decent" criteria, Media experts gave a score of 90.66% with "very decent" criteria and Users (class teachers) gave a score of 94.78 % with "very feasible" criteria. This teaching material has also been tested on students with the following results: an individual test was carried out on three female students with a result of 90.27%, a scale trial was carried out on eight female students with a result of 91.59%, and a large scale test: carried out on 20 students with a result of 83.09%. Based on the results of expert validation and positive user responses, it can be concluded that the ASEAN e-book developed using the ADDIE model is successful and suitable for social studies learning for class VI elementary school.


Development, Electronic Teaching Materials, Social Science


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How to Cite

Jannah, Z. R., Nugraha , R. G., & Ali, E. Y. (2024). DEVELOPMENT OF TEACHING MATERIALS E-BOOK THEME 8 SUBTEMA 1 IN CLASS VI SOCIAL STUDY. Jurnal Cakrawala Pendas, 10(3), 535–546.


