Metaverse Applications in Education 4.0

A Decade of Systematic Literature Review


  • Khalid Ghoulam University of Sultan Moulay Slimane
  • Belaid Bouikhalene



The advent of Education 4.0, which aligns with the fourth industrial revolution, has been significantly influenced by advancements in digital technologies. Central to this evolution is the metaverse, a virtual shared space that merges augmented reality, virtual reality, and physical reality. This paper delves into the metaverse's applications within Education 4.0, highlighting its potential to revolutionize learning experiences, enhance collaboration, and improve access to quality education. By reviewing current literature and case studies, we identify the primary benefits, such as increased engagement, personalized learning, and broader accessibility. Additionally, we address the challenges associated with metaverse integration, including technical limitations, privacy concerns, and the need for new pedagogical approaches. Through a mixed-methods research approach, combining qualitative and quantitative data along with expert interviews, this paper provides a comprehensive overview of the metaverse's role in future education. The findings suggest that while significant hurdles remain, the metaverse offers a promising avenue for transforming educational practices to meet the demands of the digital age, ultimately fostering more dynamic, inclusive, and effective learning environments. Future research should focus on evaluating long-term impacts and developing standards for metaverse applications in education.


3D Learning, Digital Transformation in Education, Education 4.0, Metaverse in Education, Virtual Learning Environments


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How to Cite

Ghoulam, K., & Bouikhalene, B. (2024). Metaverse Applications in Education 4.0: A Decade of Systematic Literature Review. International Journal of Educational Innovation and Research, 3(2), 183–195.


