Leveraging Education through Artificial Intelligence Virtual Assistance: A Case Study of Visually Impaired Learners


  • Paul Niño Ry Mina Mandaue City Comprehensive National High School
  • Ice Mae Solon Mandaue City Comprehensive National High School
  • Fatima Rose Sanchez Mandaue City Comprehensive National High School
  • Tristan Kent Delante Mandaue City Comprehensive National High School
  • Jean Kathleen Villegas Mandaue City Comprehensive National High School
  • Florence John Basay Mandaue City Comprehensive National High School
  • Jay-r Andales Mandaue City Comprehensive National High School
  • Francine Pasko Mandaue City Comprehensive National High School
  • Mary Fair Ruval Estrera Mandaue City Comprehensive National High School
  • Roberto Samson Jr. Mandaue City Comprehensive National High School
  • Romel Mutya Mambaling National High School




The study aims to explore an in-depth analysis of leveraging education through artificial intelligence (AI) virtual assistance among visually impaired learners. The investigation centers on describing the challenges and struggles encountered by visually impaired learners, highlighting the usage of AI virtual assistance, the adaptability of the visually impaired learners, and the enhancement of the curriculum. This study utilized a qualitative case study research design using Braun and Clarke’s (2008) data analysis method to describe an in-depth dissection of a case study involving five visually impaired learners through semi-structured interviews. Findings revealed five themes: (1) barriers in the learning process, (2) essentiality of AI virtual assistants, (3) achieving competence through technology, and (4) inclusive teaching and learning environment. The findings show that this pandemic has brought challenges to visually impaired learners in education, such as personal struggles, insufficiency of resources, and adapting to new learning modalities. However, AI virtual assistance allowed them to explore their potential and help them achieve academic tasks that are generally difficult due to their visual impairment. Researchers recommend improving the teaching and learning of visually impaired students in secondary schools.


Artificial Intelligence, Inclusive Education, Leveraging Education, Virtual Assistance, Visually Impaired


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How to Cite

Mina, P. N. R., Solon, I. M., Sanchez, F. R., Delante, T. K., Villegas, J. K., Basay, F. J., Andales, J.- r, Pasko, F., Estrera, M. F. R., Samson Jr., R., & Mutya, R. (2023). Leveraging Education through Artificial Intelligence Virtual Assistance: A Case Study of Visually Impaired Learners. International Journal of Educational Innovation and Research, 2(1), 10–22. https://doi.org/10.31949/ijeir.v2i1.3001


