Peer Review Process


                                                                                      Double Blind Peer Review

Journal Presumption of Law (JPL) regarding peer-review (with Double-blind: the reviewer does not know the name of the author, and the author does not know who reviewed the manuscript). Each submitted manuscript is reviewed by the editor and, if it complies with the provisions of the journal, the manuscript will be sent for blind review by at least two members of the review board from various regions selected by the JPL team based on legal concentration.

The final decision of manuscript acceptance is made by Editor in Chief or Regional (Handling) Editor (together with Editorial Board if required) according to reviewers' critical comments. JPL has four tipes of decisions:

1. Accepted, as it is
2. Accepted by Minor Revisions (let authors revised with stipulated time)
3. Accepted by Major Revisions (let authors revised with stipulated time)
4. Rejected (generally, on grounds of the outside of scope and aim, major technical description problems, lack of clarity of presentation)

Blind review will be implemented, and at least two reviewers will be assigned to each submitted paper.