Author Guidelines


  • Script font using Times New Roman type size 12 with 1.5 spaces.
  • The length of the manuscript is around 3,500-6,000 words including appendices and references with a page margin of 2.5 cm (top, bottom, left, and right).
  • The cover must mention the title, author's name, affiliation, author's country, and email. Submission of articles must include a curriculum vitae.
  • All pages are numbered consecutively (including references and attachments). Footnotes, headers and footers are not for the author's name or article title, but for additional text information.
  • The manuscript must follow the article script template. Templets for writers can be downloaded here.


Article Structure

1. Title

The title must be short, clear, with a maximum of 15 words in capital letters. Fonts using Caslisto MT type size 14, printed bold and in the middle.

2. Author's name, email address, institution and country

The author's name (without an academic degree), e-mail address, institutional name, and country is written under the title of the article. When the script is written by the team, the editor only deals with the first author, or correspondent writer. For this section font size 11.

3. Abstract

This section contains the main problems, research objectives, methods / approaches, and research results. The abstract is presented at the beginning of the manuscript and its presentation is around 150 to 250 words (in English and Indonesian). Abstracts are followed by keywords 3 to 5 words. For the abstract font size 11.

4. Introduction

This section explains the background of the problem and the urgency and rationalization of research. This section also explains the purpose and contribution of the research and organization of the article.

5. Research Methods

This section explains the research design, scope or object (population and sample), data collection techniques, operational definitions of research variables, and analysis techniques.

6. Analysis and Discussion

This section presents the results of research analysis. Tables, graphs (figures), and / or graphs can be added in the research analysis. The discussion section explains the results of data processing, interprets the findings logically, and links them with relevant reference sources.

7. Conclusions

The conclusion contains a brief summary of the research results and discussion that answers the research objectives.

Tables and Figures

Tables are typed with single-line spaces, with the beginning and end lines (table subtitles), without vertical lines. Tables are numbered consecutively from one. Images must be prepared in print and in black and white. Table and figure sources must be specified.



The quoted text is written with the author's last name and year of publication.

Sample Quote:

 One source and one author: Badriah (2015) atau (Badriah, 2015)

  1. One source and two authors: Kristiyanto dan Budiman (2019). atau (Kristiyanto & Budiman, 2019).
  2. One source and more than two authors: Cite all the names of the authors in the first quote: Harsono, Hendrayana and Hanif (2008) or (Harsono, Hendrayana & Hanif, 2014). The next citation is written with the name of the first author and is followed by "et al." : Harsono et al. (2008) or (Harsono et al., 2008)
  3. More than one source and one author: Bukhari (2004); Muslim (2004) or (Bukhari, 2003; Muslim, 2003).
  4. Sources from an institution: IAI (2004) atau (IAI, 2004).
  5. For direct quotes with less than 40 words, enclose the quotation in double quotes ("..........."). Single space throughout quotes and curves. If the quotation is 40 words or more, don't use double-quotes and indented styles. (author's name, year of publication and page number)


The reference list format is based on the APA (American Psychological Association) style. The reference list must appear at the end of the article and only include the literature that is actually cited in the manuscript. References are arranged alphabetically and chronologically. When writing a reference list, please use the following convention;

Reference Example:


Book written by one person:

1. Poole, M.E. (1976). Social Class and Language Utilization at The Tertiary Level. Brisbane: University of Queensland.

2. Book written by two people or three people:

Burden, P.R. & Byrd, D.M. (2010). Methods for Effective Teaching. Boston: Pearson.

Joyce, B., Weil, M., & Calhoun, E. (2011). Models of Teaching. Boston: Pearson.

3. The book was written by more than three people:

Emerson, L. dkk. (2007). Writing Guidelines for Education Students. Melbourne: Thomson.

Thesis, Dissertation:

Rakhman, A. (2008). Teacher and Students' Code Switching in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Classroom. (Thesis). Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung

Symposium, Proceedings, Conference:

Sudaryat, Y. (2013). “Menguak Nilai Filsafat Pendidikan Sunda dalam Ungkapan Tradisional sebagai Upaya Pemertahanan Bahasa Daerah”. Dalam M. Fasya & M. Zifana (Penyunting), Prosiding Seminar Tahunan Linguistik Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (hlm. 432-435). Bandung: UPI Press.

Journal Articles:

Setiawati, L. (2012). A Descriptive Study on the Teacher Talk at an EYL Classroom. Conaplin Journal: Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 1, 176?178. doi:

Newspaper Articles:

Sujatmiko, I. G. (2013, 23 Agustus). ”Reformasi, Kekuasaan, dan Korupsi”. Kompas, hlm. 6.

Source from the internet:

Thomson, A. (1998). The Adult and the Curriculum. [Online]. Diakses dari

Online Submission Guidelines

The manuscript must be submitted by one of two systems (the second procedure will be preferred):

  1. Submission of documents must be done by the Online Submission System at the RESPECS Journal portal HERE.
  2. First, the writer must register as author or reviewer (check the role of author or reviewer) on "Register" or HERE.
  3. After registration is complete, enter as an author, click "New Submission". The article submission stage consists of five stages, such as: (1). Starting, (2). Uploaded Ships, (3). Enter Metadata, (4). Upload Additional Files, (5). Confirmation.
  4. In the "Start" column, select Journal Section (Full Article), check all checklists.
  5. In the "Upload Submission" column, upload the script file in MSWord format in this column.
  6. In the "Enter Metadata" column, fill in all author and affiliate data. Following Journal Titles, Abstracts and Indexing Keywords.
  7. In the "Upload Additional Files" column, it is permitted to upload additional data files or statements or other.
  8. In the "Confirm" column, if all the data you entered is correct, then click "Finish Submission".
  9. If the writer has difficulty in sending the online system, please contact the RESPECS Journal Editorial team at

Review method

Articles that have passed in the initial review by the editor will be sent to one or two reviewers (reviewers will not know the author's name and vice versa). The results of the blind review produce the following statements:

  1. Receive Submissions.
  2. Revisions are needed (as recommended by peer reviewers and the editorial board).
  3. Resubmit for reviews (as recommended by peer reviewers and the editorial board).
  4. Reject Submission.