Social economic stratification in sports participation


  • Didik Subhakti Prawira Raharja
  • Riza Sukma Fauzi Department of Physical Education, Universitas Majalengka, Majalengka, West Java, Indonesia
  • Tatang Suryadin Department of Physical Education, Universitas Majalengka, Majalengka, West Java, Indonesia
  • Rudi Rudi Department of Physical Education, Universitas Majalengka, Majalengka, West Java, Indonesia
  • Brio Alfatihah Rama Yudha Department of Physical Education, Universitas Majalengka, Majalengka, West Java, Indonesia
  • Maya Nurhayati Department of Physical Education, Universitas Majalengka, Majalengka, West Java, Indonesia
  • Elsa Nur Apriliani Department of Physical Education, Universitas Majalengka, Majalengka, West Java, Indonesia



Sports participation is influenced by a variety of factors that also influence it, sport is also one of the social activities carried out in society. The debate about socioeconomic status is the goal in looking at participation in sports. The survey was conducted in the sports community in Majalengka district with questions related to gender, age, place of activity, level of education, and income. The results show that the male sex with the late adolescent age range is more dominant in participating and the low level of education has a low percentage but the income level does not show a significant difference in doing physical activity.


Sports participan, Gender, Social economic status


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How to Cite

Subhakti Prawira Raharja, D., Fauzi, R. S., Suryadin, T., Rudi, R., Yudha, B. A. R., Nurhayati, M., & Apriliani, E. N. (2024). Social economic stratification in sports participation . Indonesian Journal of Sport Management, 4(3).