About The Journal

J-ENSITEC (Journal Of Engineering and Sustainable Technology) with registered number ISSN 2477-359X (online) and 2407-6007 (print). Contents of the journal discusses the results of research in the field of informatics engineering , civil engineering , industrial engineering , mechanical engineering.

J-ENSITEC (Journal Of Engineering and Sustainable Technology) has been published since 2014, has been published print and online. This Journal was first published at the last of 2014 twice per year in frequency in June and November. Since 2021, J-ENSITEC (Journal Of Engineering and Sustainable Technology) has been published twice per year in May and December. 

This journal is covered by Google Scholar, SINTA  (Science and Technology Index), PKP Index, BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine), Indonesian Onesearch, Garba Rujukan Digital (Garuda), Scilit, Worldcat, OpenAire, ResearchGate, and Others.

This J-ENSITEC (Journal Of Engineering and Sustainable Technology) now using OJS 3.0 Version with new interface has migrated from the former website at https://jurnal.unma.ac.id/index.php/JE that using OJS 2.0.

Journal title : J-ENSITEC (Journal Of Engineering and Sustainable Technology)
Initials : J-ENSITEC
Frequency : 2 issues per year
ISSN Online : 2477-359X
ISSN Print : 2407-6007
Publisher Universitas Majalengka