Improving the Development of Delinquents with a Sports Extracurricular Approach at the Kupang Children's Correctional Institution


  • Salmon Runesi Physical Education, Health And Recreation Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,Nusa Cendana University, Indonesia
  • Al Ihzan Tajuddin Universitas Nusa Cendana
  • Ronald Dwi Ardian Fufu Physical Education, Health And Recreation Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,Nusa Cendana University, Indonesia
  • Michael Johannes Hadiwijaya Louk Physical Education, Health And Recreation Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,Nusa Cendana University, Indonesia
  • Jurdan Martin Siahaan Physical Education, Health And Recreation Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,Nusa Cendana University, Indonesia
  • I Nyoman Wahyu Esa Wijaya Physical Education, Health And Recreation Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,Nusa Cendana University, Indonesia
  • Fera Ratna Dewi Siagian Physical Education, Health And Recreation Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,Nusa Cendana University, Indonesia



Physical education in public schools and children's correctional institutions, especially in extracurricular sports activities, functions as an activity to fill children's free time and is expected to reduce child delinquency. The problems in this study are included in the type of correlational quantitative research, namely research that aims to see the relationship between two or more symptoms that can be measured in high and low relationships using data in the form of numbers. This research uses a descriptive method with quantitative analysis. While the data collection technique for research uses a structured questionnaire based on the research variables. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that there is a positive relationship between extracurricular sports activities and the success of fostering naughty children at the Kupang Children's Penitentiary. this can be seen from the value of r o obtained which is greater than the value of the r table. So, in the future, teachers and staff fostering children should further increase the effectiveness of extracurricular sports activities in fostering naughty children at the Kupang Penitentiary.


Extracurricular Activities, Child Development, Coaching Bad Children


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Author Biographies

Salmon Runesi, Physical Education, Health And Recreation Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,Nusa Cendana University, Indonesia



Ronald Dwi Ardian Fufu, Physical Education, Health And Recreation Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,Nusa Cendana University, Indonesia



Michael Johannes Hadiwijaya Louk, Physical Education, Health And Recreation Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,Nusa Cendana University, Indonesia



Jurdan Martin Siahaan, Physical Education, Health And Recreation Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,Nusa Cendana University, Indonesia



I Nyoman Wahyu Esa Wijaya, Physical Education, Health And Recreation Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,Nusa Cendana University, Indonesia



Fera Ratna Dewi Siagian, Physical Education, Health And Recreation Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,Nusa Cendana University, Indonesia




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How to Cite

Runesi, S., Tajuddin, A. I., Fufu, R. D. A., Louk, M. J. H., Siahaan, J. M., Wijaya, I. N. W. E., & Siagian, F. R. D. (2023). Improving the Development of Delinquents with a Sports Extracurricular Approach at the Kupang Children’s Correctional Institution. Indonesian Journal of Sport Management, 3(1), 113–120.