Pengembangan Instrumen Penılaıan Karakter Rasa Ingın Tahu Dalam Pembelajaran Membaca Dan Menulıs Sıswa Kelas 1 SD


  • Hilary Sekarningrum Universitas Sanata Dharma
  • Yuliana Setyaningsih
  • B. Widharyanto



Currently, the assessment of curiosity character education is mostly done by observation. The lack of innovation in developing curiosity character assessment instruments for elementary school students is the background of this research. The purpose of this study was to develop an instrument for assessing the character of curiosity in teaching reading and writing to elementary school students. This study uses the ADDIE Research and Development method. This study involved 15 teachers for needs analysis, three lecturers and four teachers for surface and content validation, and 17 grade 1 elementary school students for testing the curiosity character assessment instrument. The research instruments used in this study were tests and non-tests, using closed and open questionnaires. Data analysis techniques in this study were carried out quantitatively and qualitatively. The results showed that the curiosity character assessment instrument was developed by following the steps of the ADDIE development procedure which had been tested for quality with "very good results, with no recommendations for revision" and a "high" level of effectiveness. This means the curiosity character assessment instrument is feasible and effective in learning to read and write.


assessment instrument, curiosity character, reading, writing, Montessory approach


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Currently, the assessment of curiosity character education is mostly done by observation. The lack of innovation in developing curiosity character assessment instruments for elementary school students is the background of this research. The purpose of this study was to develop an instrument for assessing the character of curiosity in teaching reading and writing to elementary school students. This study uses the ADDIE Research and Development method. This study involved 15 teachers for needs analysis, three lecturers and four teachers for surface and content validation, and 17 grade 1 elementary school students for testing the curiosity character assessment instrument. The research instruments used in this study were tests and non-tests, using closed and open questionnaires. Data analysis techniques in this study were carried out quantitatively and qualitatively. The results showed that the curiosity character assessment instrument was developed by following the steps of the ADDIE development procedure which had been tested for quality with "very good results, with no recommendations for revision" and a "high" level of effectiveness. This means the curiosity character assessment instrument is feasible and effective in learning to read and write.


Abstract Views : 121
Downloads Count: 310



How to Cite

Sekarningrum, H., Yuliana Setyaningsih, & B. Widharyanto. (2023). Pengembangan Instrumen Penılaıan Karakter Rasa Ingın Tahu Dalam Pembelajaran Membaca Dan Menulıs Sıswa Kelas 1 SD. Jurnal Elementaria Edukasia, 6(2), 575–587.


