Code Switching in Di Balik Pintu Vlog By Boy William


  • Hestin Nurvadhilah STKIP PGRI Ponorogo
  • Adip Arifin STKIP PGRI Ponorogo
  • Ratri Harida STKIP PGRI Ponorogo



This research aims to identify the different kinds of code switching, the factors that cause code switching, and the function of code switching as it was employed in Boy William's Di Balik Pintu vlog. The researchers used descriptive qualititave research. The findings of this study demonstrated the use of tag switching, intersentential switching, and intrasentential switching as the three types of code switching in Di Balik Pintu vlog by Boy William. The researchers found 129 data,  24 intersentential switching data, 74 intrasentential switching data, and 31 tag switching data. The results of the factors that cause code switching were 75 data, there are 34 data of speakers, 28 data of interlocutors, 7 data of situation change from formal to informal, 5 data of change discussion topic, 1 data of attendance of the third person. While for the function of code switching, there were 129 data. The researchers found 19 quotation, 12 addressee specification, 25 interjections, 14 reiterations, 22 message qualification, and 37 personalization or objectification. This research can be used to increase knowledge about code switching and as reference for the next researcher.


Bilingualism, Code-Switching, Vlog


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Author Biographies

Hestin Nurvadhilah, STKIP PGRI Ponorogo

Hestin Nurvhadilah was the formerly the student of English Language department of STKIP PGRI Ponorogo.

Ratri Harida, STKIP PGRI Ponorogo

Ratri Harida is currently the head of English Department of STKIP PGRI Ponorogo. Her research interest covers linguistic and literature studies, as well as discourse and pragmatic studies.  


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