JOURNAL RESPECS (Research Physical Education and Sports) Universitas Majalengka en-US JOURNAL RESPECS (Research Physical Education and Sports) 2654-5233 Improving Student Learning Outcomes Using the STAD Type Cooperative Model <p align="justify">The research aims to determine the completeness of learning outcomes and improve student learning outcomes using the STAD Type Cooperative Model in the Physical Education subject, Material Types of Injuries and How to Manage Them in Class IV of State Elementary School 040474 Bunga Baru, Tigabinanga District, Karo Regency T.P. 2023/2024 The research was carried out at SD Negeri 040474 Bunga Baru, Tigabinanga District, with the research subjects being 24 class IV students. The research object is to use the STAD Type Cooperative Model in Physical Education subjects in class IV of SD Negeri 040474 Bunga Baru, Tigabinanga District, Karo Regency T.P. 2023/2024 The data collection tool used was a learning outcomes test. The data analysis technique uses descriptive statistics by comparing the average values of Cycle I and Cycle II. The analysis results in cycle I showed that 18 students completed (75%) and 6 students (25%) did not complete, with an average score of 70.41. The analysis results in cycle II showed that 21 students completed (87.5%) and 3 students did not complete (12.5%), with an average score of 75.41. Based on the results of data analysis, it was concluded that the use of the STAD Type Cooperative Model in Physical Education learning with material on Types of Injuries and How to Treat Them in class IV of SD Negeri 040474 Bunga Baru, Tigabinanga District, Karo Regency T.P. 2023/2024 completed classically and learning outcomes increased.</p> Sejahtra Sejahtra Rizki Bastanta B. Manalu Copyright (c) 2024 Sejahtra, Rizki Bastanta B. Manalu 2024-07-20 2024-07-20 6 3 301 307 10.31949/respecs.v6i3.10946 The Relationship between Balance, Agility, and Eye-Foot Coordination to Dribbling Ability in the Football Game of the Tancung Putra Team of Wajo Regency <p>This study aims to determine the relationship between balance, agility and eye-foot coordination on dribbling ability in football games. The sample in this study was the Tancung Putra Wajo Regency team, totalling 30 people with a saturated sampling technique. The data analysis technique used is the correlation coefficient. The research results show a significant relationship between balance and the ability to dribble in a football game, with a value of r = 0,747. There is a substantial relationship between agility and the ability to dribble in a football game with a value of r = 0,766, there is a significant relationship between eye-foot coordination and the ability to dribble in a football game with a value of r = 0,702, and there is a substantial relationship of balance, agility and eye-foot coordination together on the ability to dribble in a football game with a value of R = 0,825.</p> Muhammad Hasbillah Suparman Suparman Herman Herman Suastika Nurafiati Ariana Asri Tri Angriawan Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Hasbillah, Suparman, Herman, Suastika Nurafiati, Ariana Asri, Try Angriawan 2024-07-20 2024-07-20 6 3 309 314 10.31949/respecs.v6i3.10627 The Effect of Modification of Throwing and Catching Games on Gross Motor Skills in Children of Dharma Wanita Balongbendo Kindergarten <p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">Game modification is a specialised version of the game in which some rules are adapted to the needs and abilities of the players. Not only that but the equipment for in-game activities has also been adjusted. There are many kinds of modifications, one of which is the modification of leper catch. In throwing catch for kindergarten, children </span><span data-preserver-spaces="true">really</span><span data-preserver-spaces="true"> need gross motor skills; there are several elements in gross motor skills, namely coordination, balance, agility, agility, and speed. This study aimed to determine the effect of playing a throwing catch on the gross motor skills of class B children at Dharma Wanita Sumokembangsri Balongbendo Kindergarten. This type of research is quantitative; the research method uses an experimental method with </span><em><span data-preserver-spaces="true">a group Pretest-Posttest Design </span></em><span data-preserver-spaces="true">design</span><em><span data-preserver-spaces="true">. The </span></em><span data-preserver-spaces="true">sample of this research is the children of Dharma Wanita Sumokembangsri Balongbendo Kindergarten. Data analysis in this study used the T-test (a</span> <span data-preserver-spaces="true">different test). The results of the </span><em><span data-preserver-spaces="true">Paired Sample T-test </span></em><span data-preserver-spaces="true">show that the game of throwing catch shows a significance value of 0.00, that the value is less than </span><em><span data-preserver-spaces="true">alpha </span></em><span data-preserver-spaces="true">(0.05), and can be said H0 rejected. Thus, from the results of the data analysis, it is stated that </span><em><span data-preserver-spaces="true">sig&gt;alpha</span></em><span data-preserver-spaces="true"> or it can be interpreted that there is a significant difference in influence between the </span><em><span data-preserver-spaces="true">pre-test </span></em><span data-preserver-spaces="true">and </span><em><span data-preserver-spaces="true">post-test</span></em><span data-preserver-spaces="true">. In other words, game modification affects the gross motor skills of class B children at Dharma Wanita Sumokembangsri Balongbendo Kindergarten.</span></p> Nurdian Ahmad Eric Nur Kiswanto Basuki Basuki Copyright (c) 2024 Nurdian Ahmad, Eric Nur Kiswanto, Basuki 2024-07-20 2024-07-20 6 3 10.31949/respecs.v6i3.7964 The Influence of Traditional Games on the 50 Meter Short Distance Running Abilities of Class IV Students of SDN Kaliwungu 1 Jombang <p style="text-align: justify;">Traditional games are an exciting and fun teaching medium essential for children's physical growth. Short-distance running, where speed is critical, is an integral component of these games. This research aims to determine the effect of traditional games on the 50-meter short-distance running ability of class IV students at SDN Kaliwungu I Jombang. This research tests the hypothesis that conventional games significantly influence students' short-distance running abilities. This research uses a quantitative approach with an experimental design. The research population was all fourth-grade students at SDN Kaliwungu I Jombang, with the sample selected using a purposive sampling technique. Data was collected using pretest and posttest to measure students' running speed before and after treatment. Data analysis involves calculating standard deviation and significance tests (Sig. 2-tailed). Data analysis shows a significant increase in students' short-distance running abilities after being given traditional game treatment. The pretest results show a standard deviation of 6569; the lowest value is 3.3, and the highest is 6.3. Meanwhile, the posttest showed an increase with a standard deviation of 83338; the lowest value was 3.06, and the highest value was 7.45. The significant test shows the Sig value. (2-tailed) is 0.004 &lt; 0.05 , so hypothesis H1 is accepted. Traditional games have a significant influence on students' short-distance running abilities. It is recommended that teachers use fun teaching media, such as traditional games, in learning and apply them to other subjects to increase learning effectiveness. This research is limited to a sample of fourth-grade students in one school. Future research needs to involve larger samples and a variety of locations for more general results.</p> Yully Wahyu Sulistyo Copyright (c) 2024 Yully Wahyu Sulistyo 2024-08-06 2024-08-06 6 3 10.31949/respecs.v6i3.8026 Efforts to Improve Down Passing Capability through Teaching Learning Styles 1 Perhhenian Raja Private School <p>The aim of this research is to see the increase in down passing ability in volleyball games through the reciprocal teaching style method in class XI students at SMA Negeri 1 Perhentian Raja. Based on the results of observations of lower class passing. Many students are still careless when passing down. The teacher's teaching style is less effective so students feel bored. The test used in this research uses PTK which presents a two-cycle assessment rubric regarding down passes in volleyball. The research subjects in this study were 35 class XI students of SMA Negeri 1 Perhentian Raja. From the results found in the field, it is known that in cycle I it was found that 19 people or 54.28% had passed the KKM and there were 16 people or 45.71% who had not passed the KKM, while in cycle II it was found that 16 people or 45.71% had have not passed the KKM. that those who had passed the KKM were 30 people or 85.71% and those who had not passed the KKM were 5 people or 14.28%.</p> Ardiyan Syahputra Leni Apriani Copyright (c) 2024 Ardiiyan Syahputra, Leni Apriani 2024-07-20 2024-07-20 6 3 10.31949/respecs.v6i3.9639 The Effect of Physical Exercise on the Aerobic Ability of Sepak Takraw Players <p>This study aims to investigate the effect of physical exercise on improving the aerobic ability of sepak takraw players. A total of 10 sepak takraw athletes were the study subjects, divided into two groups. The method used was a class follow-up with a pre-test and post-test design in group A, who underwent intensive physical exercise, and group B, who did not participate in intensive physical exercise. Physical exercise includes middle-distance running, interval training, and circuit training designed to increase aerobic capacity. Aerobic ability measurement is done by examining how long the athlete can play after intensive physical exercise. The results showed a significant increase in maximal scores in group A compared to group B, with group A able to play with two se without substitutions and with a non-fatigued physical condition. This shows that specially designed physical exercise positively impacts the aerobic ability of sepak takraw players. This research provides insight into the fact that a structured physical exercise program can be essential to sepak takraw training to improve athletes' aerobic performance.</p> Alfarido Haloho Alfarido Ibrahim Wiyaka Ibrahim Mawardi Nur Mawardi Febrindo Gratama Purba Febrindo Arielf Wahyu Pratama Hutagaol Arielf Wahyu Sitorus Copyright (c) 2024 Alfarido Haloho Alfarido, Ibrahim Wiyaka, Mawardi Nur, Febrindo Gratama Purba, Arielf Wahyu Pratama Hutagaol, Wahyu Sitorus 2024-07-20 2024-07-20 6 3 10.31949/respecs.v6i3.9814 Efforts to Improve Learning Outcomes Part Football Passing in a Football Game through Method Play in Class X Agritan 6 State Vocational School Integrated Agriculture of Riau Province <p>This research aims to determine efforts to improve the learning outcomes of passing the legs in the game of football through playing methods in class. This type of research is classroom action research. In this PTK, the research subjects are the students of the class. The research instrument used was the assessment of inside leg passing performance. Based on the analysis and discussion, it can be concluded from the research results that there is an increase in the results of learning to pass the leg in the game of football through the playing method in class. The classical completion score was 80%, only reaching a percentage score of 46.88%, with the number of students who completed it being 15 students, with an average score achieved by students of only 72.27. Meanwhile, in cycle II, it showed that the student's ability to carry out passing movements of the lower legs in the game of football was better with classical completion of 81.25%, and more than 80% had passed with a KKM score (75) with the number of students who completed it being 26 students with The average score achieved by students was 79.17.</p> Azmi Yumaidi Mimi Yulianti Copyright (c) 2024 Azmi Yumaidi, Mimi Yulianti 2024-07-20 2024-07-20 6 3 10.31949/respecs.v6i3.9957 Analysis of Factors that Influence Interest in Playing Football in Adolescents <p>This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach to identify factors that influence interest in playing football among teenagers in Peterongan District, Jombang. Data was collected through in-depth interviews and participatory observation of 20 teenagers aged 13-18 selected using purposive sampling and analyzed using thematic analysis techniques. The research results revealed four main themes that influence interest in playing football in teenagers: family support, sports facilities, peer influence, and the role of the media. Family support, both moral and material, has been proven to increase adolescent motivation. Adequate and well-maintained sports facilities are also crucial in supporting interest in playing. A positive social environment from peers encourages a spirit of competition and togetherness. In addition, mass media, through match broadcasts and football content on social media, provides inspiration and information that strengthens teenagers' interest in football. These findings provide important implications for the development of strategies to increase youth participation in the sport of soccer.</p> Joan Rhoby Andrianto Copyright (c) 2024 Joan Rhoby Andrianto 2024-07-20 2024-07-20 6 3 10.31949/respecs.v6i3.10392 Physical Fitness of New Class X Students of SMA Negeri 1 Ngimbang Lamongan <p>This study aims to determine the level of physical fitness of new students in class X of SMA Negeri 1 Ngimbang Lamongan at the beginning of the 2023/2024 academic year. This type of research is descriptive, using a survey method and data collection through the TKJI test. The sampling technique was purposive sampling, namely, new students in class X with 295. From the results of the study, the overall average value was 16.7, with details of 1. 0% or no students were in the outstanding category, 2. 35.6% or 105 students were in the excellent category, 3. 39.7% or 117 students were in the moderate category, 4. 23% or 68 students were in the less category, 5. 1.7% or five students were in the significantly smaller category. With the results obtained based on an average value of 16.7 and a percentage value of 39.7%, it can be concluded that new students in class X of Ngimbang State High School for the 2023/2024 academic year are in the moderate classification category. The results obtained can be used as a reference for physical education and sports teachers in implementing physical education and sports learning in the future so that the teaching carried out is appropriately on target and can improve physical fitness based on the abilities of each student.</p> Achmed Zoki Copyright (c) 2024 Achmed Zoki 2024-07-20 2024-07-20 6 3 10.31949/respecs.v6i3.10438