Journal of Mechanical and Manufacture 2024-07-10T06:12:00+07:00 Fakultas Teknik Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Journal Of Mechanical And Manufacture (JMM)</strong> published 2 (two) times a year . Since 2022, the <strong>JMM</strong> published in April and October . Contents of the journal discusses the results of research in the field of manufacturing engineering, industrial engineering and mechanical engineering</p> VEHICLE DETECTOR DESIGN USING ARDUINO MICROCONTROLLER SENSOR 2024-05-07T09:34:24+07:00 tedi heryanto <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong>&nbsp;This research aims to create a design for a vehicle detector so that it can be applied to detect empty vehicle parking areas. This equipment can then be used in parking buildings, shopping centers, offices and hotels.The research method used is the experimental method. The results of research that has been carried out to determine the working principle of parking detection devices found that when the parking lot is full, we can immediately know. It is hoped that this research will be useful for the public, who are traveling to shopping centers, hotels and offices to provide information about parking.</p> 2024-04-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Mechanical and Manufacture BOTTLE MOLD DESIGN IN THE BLOW MOLDING PROCESS USING MASTERCAM X5 AND INVENTOR 2024-05-07T09:35:20+07:00 nabiel tajraihan Aa Santosa <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p>In its development, every manufacturing industry increasingly makes humans think more creatively and is faced with new problems, especially in making new innovations. The purpose of these production problems is to achieve faster and more efficient production targets. Manufacturing processes in the plastic field at the present time make products that are in great demand by the public.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The development of technology in the dies manufacturing sector due to demands from consumer demand for better quality encourages the Industry to innovate, the process of making dies using metal molds with the aim of improving the quality of the components. Blow Molding is one of the manufacturing processes with the working principle of applying air pressure to plastic material that enters the mold cavity. The mold used is made of metal, either steel or aluminum, to improve the quality of the blow molding process results using a CNC machine where the program created is the result of the Mastercam X5 application.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; A design process has been carried out to make a mineral water bottle packaging mold using Mastercam X5, to produce Code G which will be used to make molds on a CNC machine, the material used is Aluminium 2024.</p> 2024-04-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Mechanical and Manufacture DESIGN AND BUILD AN AUTOMATIC TRASH RAKE TOOL IN FOR RIVER USING A CHAIN CONVEYOR 2024-05-07T09:35:51+07:00 wahyu prayogo Aa Santosa <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p> <p><em>Conveyor is a mechanical system that has the function of moving goods from one place to another. Conveyor is one of the many types of transportation used in the industrial world today. The aim of this research is to create a tool conveyor,</em> <em>which can help the community overcome problems in terms of handling waste in waterways</em> <em>and cleaning up floating rubbish in river basins, ditches and other waterways.This research uses research methodsand development with a quantitative approach. The results of making an automatic trash rake tool in the river using chain conveyor designed only one step of system work conveyor and the trash rake has a length of 1000 mm, width 500 mm, height 300 mm with a frame made of iron hollow. The power and power needed to rotate the tool is 216 watts ~ 0.216 Kw with a horsepower of 0.3 HP from a motor dynamo engine gearbox an AC type motor with a power of 0.37 Kw was selected; Power 0.5 HP. The linear speed of the chain every second can move as far as 0.12 m/s or 120 mm/s. The load acting on the chain has a waste carrying capacity of 1020 kg/hour or 0.28 kg/s with a tool effectiveness value of 99%. So this tool is working effectively.</em></p> 2024-04-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Mechanical and Manufacture BEAT MOTORCYCLE CONECTING ROD MOLD DESIGN USING MASTER CAM X5 AND INVENTOR 2024-05-07T09:36:36+07:00 dava intipada Aa Santosa <p>In its development, every manufacturing industry increasingly makes people think more creatively and are faced with new problems, especially in making new innovations. The aim of these production problems is to achieve production targets more quickly and efficiently. The metal machining process is an important factor to support the final quality of the product, but there is one obstacle that must be faced, how to determine the appropriate manufacturing process to make a product with better accuracy.</p> <p>The increasing development of technology in the casting manufacturing sector due to consumer demands for better quality encourages the industry to innovate, the process of making automotive components, especially connecting rods, currently uses metal molds with the aim of improving the quality of these components. The connecting rod functions to connect the piston to the shaft. This component can be a bridge for combustion power and can be channeled directly to the crankshaft.</p> <p>Please note that a car engine can go fast because the piston hits the crankshaft and the connecting rod which is the connecting rod. Without a connecting rod, the car will not be able to accelerate optimally</p> <p>A design process has been carried out to make a connecting rod mold using Master Cam X5, to produce Code G which will be used to make a mold on a CNC machine. The material used is Alamunium 2024.</p> 2024-04-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Mechanical and Manufacture UTILIZATION OF POWER PLANT SOLAR POWER (PLTS) AS A SOURCE POWER IN DRYER DESIGN SHELF TYPE FISH 2024-06-23T18:36:56+07:00 sadro paskah <p>abstractThe drying process here can use a fumigation system and oven. The water content achieved is approximately 25% -30% for fish to produce results drying can be durable for storage. Things that must be done to get itproduce fish with a water content of 25% -30%, that is, do not dry the fishwhole but split the fish in a butterfly style (split into 2) with3 cm thick then dried at a maximum temperature of 45 degrees witwind speed 1-2 m per second for 8-12 hours. Required toolsthe drying process is not too complicated. The tool is an internal drying rackvarious shapes and sizes that can also be made yourself to any sizeneeded... The use of solar power is currently being discussedwhich is very often done by researchers because of the researchersare looking for renewable energy to sustain lifeman. The use of solar energy has actually been around for quite a long timeHowever, currently it is still very limited to small or high power systemsbetter known as a solar home system (SHS). This SHS is assistance from government which is provided as a subsidy to rural communities for usereduce the use of non-renewable energy. Forexpansion of the use of solar power is availability equipment and components of the PLTS equipment.<strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> 2024-07-26T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Mechanical and Manufacture DESIGN OF BELT CONVEYOR FOR CORN COB SHELLER AND CHOPPER MACHINE 2024-07-10T06:12:00+07:00 Asep Rachmat Alwi Albaar Budiman Intan Kusumadewi Cecep Sonjaya <p><em>The use of a belt conveyor is one of the choices of facilities or tools used to transport or move materials or as a means of transporting materials, both bulk materials and individual materials. One of the machines that requires a conveyor is a corn cob sheller and chopper machine which was created in 2022. by Majalengka University students. This tool has a problem, namely, the corn that has been shelled cannot automatically go straight into the chopping machine, so a design is needed that takes into account the safety factor and the correct conveyor speed. This is of course for safety and ensures that the conveyor can transport corn which has a density of 760 kg/m 3 at a slope of 300 ‰. For this reason, the conveyor that best suits these needs must have specifications with a total belt length of 0.295 m, drum pulley diameter of 3 in or 0.0762 m, shaft diameter of 20 mm with a length of 500 mm, 150 watt electric motor drive, 16T small sprocket gear and 24T large sprocket with chain number 35. Safety Factor (SF) on the Belt Conveyor frame has a minimum SF value of 6.3, with a maximum tension of 32.5 N/mm2 and yield strength of 204 N/mm2 and a belt speed of 0.5 m/s.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-07-26T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Mechanical and Manufacture