
  • Moch Reza Fauzy Universitas Majalengka
  • Riza M Yunus Universitas Majalengka
  • Asep Rachmat Universitas Majalengka



Biogas is one solution to overcome community difficulties due to rising fuel prices and the scarcity of LPG
gas, this technology can be immediately applied, especially for cattle breeders. Utilizing cow dung that is
processed anaerobically in a digester which will produce methane gas as an alternative energy. In planning
this household-scale biogas device, there are several components designed including a digester with a
volume capacity of 400L with a filling capacity of 2/3 of the digester volume, the material used is HDPE
plastic (High Density Polyethylene) and a holding capacity of 147 L which produces a flash time. fire for
20.01 minutes for 15 days of the fermentation process. Where the lowest pressure is obtained on the 3rd day
with a pressure of 104.668,73 N/m2, and the maximum pressure is on the 12th day with a maximum
pressure of 107.201,85 N/m2i. simulation using solidwork software results in the digester construction which
is planned to be used because it has a fairly good level of security



Biogas, Digester,, Pressure, Simulation


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Author Biographies

Moch Reza Fauzy, Universitas Majalengka



Riza M Yunus, Universitas Majalengka



Asep Rachmat, Universitas Majalengka




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