
  • Slamet Riyadi Universitas Galuh Ciamis
  • Tia Setiawan Universitas Galuh Ciamis
  • Engkos Koswara Universitas Majalengka


The industrial component of industrial equipment is required to have good quality. The elements
or components of a tool must be light but have strong and corrosion-resistant alloys. Testing of
the materials to be used must be appropriate and in accordance with the needs. There are several
ways, one of which is by using a torque testing machine and Finite Element Analysis (FEA). Finite
Element Method (FEM) or commonly called Finite Element Analysis (FEA), is a numerical
procedure that can be used to solve certain engineering problems. Modeling torsion test objects
using the FEM with a moment 598.0635 N mm, - 598.0635 N mm with respect to vector X
counterclockwise. The material used is ASTM A 36 with a mass of 0.0163569 kg and a volume of
2083.94 mm^3, torsion test analysis using finite element-based software. Based on the
simulation results, it can be seen that the largest stress (maximum stress) occurs in the XZ vector
with a value of 10.4783 MPa, while the smallest stress (minimum stress) occurs towards the YZ
vector with a value of 0.15986 MPa. The largest strain (maximum strain) occurred in vector XZ
with a value of 0.000068123 ul, while the smallest strain (minimum strain) occurred in vector XX
with a value of 0.00000107672 ul. The safety factor obtained is 0.71, meaning that the value is
less than equal to 1 which indicates that the test object is unable to accept the given load.



stress analysis, torsion test specimens, finite element analysis, safety factor


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