
  • M Kitabika Damaputra Universitas Majalengka
  • Dony Susandi Universitas Majalengka
  • Asep Rachmat Universitas Majalengka


Garbage is one of the factors that damage the environment, basically garbage increases along with the
increase in population and the level of consumption of the processing community Waste is two sides of a
coin, waste recapitulation in 2020 in Majalengka Regency is data from the DLH (Environmental Service)
Majalengka states that the population is 1,250,180 people produce 14,857 tons/day or 178,285 tons/year
waste and transported or processed waste only 34,675 tons/year, this pyrolysis process is a thermochemical
decomposition of organic material or inorganic processes that take place without air or oxygen where the
raw material will undergo breakdown chemical structure into the gas phase, the plastic pyrolysis process
requires several tools, namely a reactor as a combustion without air or oxygen from plastic so that it
becomes gas, parameters including temperature which affects the change of plastic into gas, the pressure on
the reactor tube caused by the thermal decomposition of plastic into pyrolysis gas, these parameters in the
pyrolysis process are mutually tangent because the temperature of the combustion of the reactor will
determine the resulting pressure, This is because the hotter the combustion in the reactor, the faster the
pyrolysis process occurs, 180 minutes of the oil process produced by PP type plastic is 800 ml while LDPE
type plastic is 500 ml, the results on the two plastics are different due to the difference in melting point
temperature between types of plastic PP and LDPE, these parameters can be seen in the heat transfer in the
pyrolysis reactor of 3.798 x 109 with turbulent flow type


Oil yield, Waste treatment, Pyrolysis process, Parameters, Waste


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