Journal of English Language Learning <p><strong>(JELL) </strong><strong>Journal of English Language Learning </strong> is a peer-reviewed journal published in Indonesia by English Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Majalengka. This journal is published twice a year: November and June. The scopes of the journal include, but not limited to, the following topic areas: education policy, English curriculum, EFL methodology, teaching and learning strategies, evaluation and assessment, TEYL, classroom action research, translation, teaching media and ICT, applied linguistics, ELT materials development, linguistics, pragmatics, critical discourse analysis, and literature. The journal is published in online version.</p> <p align="justify">This journal has been migrated from the former website: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></p> <p align="justify">Journal Title : <strong>JELL (Journal of English Language Learning)</strong></p> <p align="justify">ISSN Online : <strong>2599-1019</strong></p> <p align="justify">Frequency : <strong>2 issues per year</strong></p> <p align="justify">Editor in Chief : <strong>Rama Dwika Herdiawan</strong></p> <p align="justify">Publisher : <strong>English Language Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Majalengka</strong></p> en-US (Rama Dwika Herdiawan) (Eka Nurhidayat) Wed, 19 Jun 2024 15:10:31 +0700 OJS 60 The Implementation of Cooperative Learning in Teaching Reading Comprehension to Introvert and Extrovert Students <p>Traditional teacher-centered approaches are being replaced by collaborative learning methods like cooperative learning. This research explores the benefits of cooperative learning for both introverted and extroverted students. A pre-experimental, one-group pretest-posttest design was employed. The participants were first-semester students at a health science institute (n=18). Purposive sampling was used to select a group of students. The researcher administered a personality assessment to classify students as introverts or extroverts. The findings showed that cooperative learning improved reading comprehension for both extroverted and introverted students. Extroverts benefited from the interactive and collaborative aspects of cooperative learning. Introverts, on the other hand, thrived in an environment that allowed for thoughtful participation and reflection. The results also suggest that personality traits moderate the effects of cooperative learning on reading comprehension. This study highlights the effectiveness of cooperative learning in enhancing reading comprehension for students with diverse personalities. It emphasizes the need for educators to consider individual characteristics when designing instructional strategies. By incorporating cooperative learning and acknowledging the influence of personality traits, educators can create more personalized and effective teaching practices that cater to the diverse needs of students in language classrooms.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Annas Alkhowarizmi, Fiki Setiawan, Nina Herlina Copyright (c) 2024 Annas Alkhowarizmi, Fiki Setiawan, Nina Herlina Wed, 19 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The Effect Of Substitution Drill Technique On Students’ English Speaking Skill <p>This research aims to investigate and validate the impact of the Substitution Drill technique on students' English speaking learning outcomes in fifth grade of SD 05 Makassar, East Jakarta. Substitution drill is a teaching method that falls under the Drill Method umbrella and is widely used in language instruction to train sounds and sentence patterns in a language. The activity entails repetitive practice to achieve permanent skills. In substitution drill, students are instructed to replace specific elements within a sentence or conversation. This study delves into the impact of substitution drill on students' English speaking proficiency. A total of 60 students were chosen as research samples using the total sampling method. Data for the study was gathered through interview tests. Subsequently, the data was subjected to quantitative analysis to ascertain the effect of the Substitution Drill technique on students' English speaking ability as part of the hypothesis test. Data analysis was performed using a t-test at a significance level (α) of 0.05. The findings of statistical tests reveal that the tobserved value is greater than the ttable, indicating a significant influence of the Substitution Drill technique on students' learning outcomes in English speaking skills.</p> Mulyadi, Dery Purnama Saefudin, Ahmad Bakhtiar Copyright (c) 2024 Mulyadi, Dery Purnama Saefudin, Ahmad Bakhtiar Wed, 19 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Classroom Interaction Using IRF Pattern Carried Out by Lecturer in English Classrooms: A Discourse Analysis <p>The most common pattern in classroom interaction is teacher initiates the talk in the class, learners respond to teacher talk, and teacher responds by giving corrective feedback to the learners. From this pattern it explains teacher’s dominance in the classroom interaction. Therefore, the significance of this study on whether the use of Initiation, Response and Feedback (IRF) in teaching facilitates learner-initiated communication and gives learning opportunities for learners to engage in classroom interaction. The data were taken from observation of a conversation in the classroom. The result of this study is the teaching using IRF pattern can facilitate learner-initiated communication and give opportunities for learners to engage in classroom interaction.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Ria Ariska, Ocid Abdul Rosyid, Dewi Puspitasari Copyright (c) 2024 Ria Ariska, Ocid Abdul Rosyid, Dewi Puspitasari Wed, 19 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Utilizing Essay Punch In Teaching Essay Writing : EFL University Students’ Perception <p>This study cond The rapid development of technology has brought significant contributions to language teaching. Hence, several up to date writing devices have been used by lecturers to modify teaching and learning activities. This study aims to investigate EFL university students' perception of the use of Essay Punch in teaching essay writing. Essay punch is an online interactive writing tool that provides students guidance in the process of writing step by step in writing an essay. The data were collected through questionnaires administered to the second year English department students of Mahaputra Muhammad Yamin University, Indonesia. The questionnaire was built up into two sections: (1) ten close-ended items and (2) two open-ended items. The ten close-ended items were designed to obtain students’ perceptions on the use of Essay Punch as a writing tool from three different aspects. The aspects are the students’ perception about the device of Essay Punch, the students’ perception about the utility of Essay Punch, and the students’ perception about the affective aspect of Essay Punch in essay writing. &nbsp;Meanwhile, two open-ended questions were put to allow students to show their opinion on the Essay Punch. The findings revealed that EFL university students show a positive view of their experience in using Essay Punch in the writing classroom. Thus, it could be concluded that Essay Punch can become one of the potential tools in teaching essay writing.</p> Fitri Handayani, Mike Amelia Copyright (c) 2024 Fitri Handayani, mike amelia Wed, 19 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The Influence Of Blended Learning Method On Learning Outcomes In English Subject At Sekolah Indonesia Kuala Lumpur (Sikl)Malaysia <p>Blended Learning has become one of the most commonly used ways of classroom learning, one of which is used in English language learning due to its dual component, which integrates Face-to-Face classes with virtual learning to offer students a variety of methodologically organized materials and resources. In this era of digitalization, teachers and students have changed the way the educational process is viewed as new technologies have been implemented and teachers have to propose new ways of working to display materials that complement English learning in the classroom. The purpose of this research is to obtain clear information about the effect of blended learning model to improve students' learning outcomes and its role in the learning process, especially in English subjects. From the results of the study, it can be seen that the average value of learning outcomes in the experimental class has increased significantly, where the average value of posttest learning 71.8 is greater than the value of pretest learning 52.67, so that the blended learning model affects student learning outcomes more than the conventional model. In this study, it is clear that the blended learning model is able to provide changes in student learning outcomes, so that the blended learning model becomes one of the learning models that can be used to improve student learning outcomes.</p> Irma Nurhana, Hastri Firharmawan, Eka Nurhidayat Copyright (c) 2024 Irma Nurhana, Hastri Firharmawan, Eka Nurhidayat Wed, 19 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 English Education Student's Perception And Motivation in Learning Descriptive Writing Skills Through Instagram <p>Recently, the use of Instagram in education garnered significant interest due to its visual popularity among students. The potential of Instagram to facilitate communication, collaboration, and creative expression made it valuable asset in modern educational strategies. This study investigates students' perceptions and motivations in learning descriptive writing skills through Instagram. The participants of this study were 33 second-semester English Education students from University of Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur, using mixed-method approach: Data were collected through closed-ended questionnaires via Google Forms and analyzed using descriptive statistic SPSS, and qualitative data were gathered through open-ended interview semi-structured with 5 selected students convenience sampling method. The results of this study indicate that students have a very positive view of using Instagram for learning writing skills and that it motivates them in writing. Additionally, Instagram's interactive features, such as comments and direct messages, allow for quick and constructive feedback, further increase students' motivation and writing skills.</p> Sophia Syachsalsabillah, Ade Ismail Ramadhan Hamid Copyright (c) 2024 Sophia Syachsalsabillah Wed, 19 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Investigating the Role of Critical Reading Strategies in Developing Students’ Reading Comprehension <p>This study investigates the role of employing critical reading strategies on the reading comprehension development of high school students. The primary objective is to examine how critical reading strategies affect students' reading comprehension abilities in the classroom. The research utilizes a quantitative approach to assess the influence of critical reading strategies on students' reading comprehension, complemented by a descriptive analysis of the implementation of these strategies and their effects on students' reading progress. A within-subject design was employed, with participants undergoing instructional sessions on both conventional and critical reading strategies. Pre-Test, Treatment 1 involved conventional reading strategies, followed by a Post-Test. A Washout Period was implemented to minimize biases before Treatment 2, which focused on critical reading strategies. The population for this research comprised second-grade students at SMA Negeri 15 Samarinda, with a random sampling technique determining the sample. A standardized reading comprehension test served as the research instrument, and t-tests were utilized for data analysis, specifically concentrating on post-test scores. The findings revealed that critical reading strategies significantly enhanced students' reading comprehension. Specifically, the mean scores increased from 24.83 in the pre-test to 66.67 in the post-test, reflecting a marked improvement in comprehension abilities. The study provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of critical reading strategies in enhancing high school students' reading comprehension skills in the classroom.</p> Andini Putri Rahmasari, Sunarti Copyright (c) 2024 andini, Sunarti Wed, 19 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 A Comparative Study Of the Students’ Competence in Finding Figurative And Lexical Meaning To Improve Speaking Ability at the Eleventh Grade of SMAN 1 Maja <p>Students often have difficulty understanding figurative meanings compared to lexical meanings. Figurative meaning refers to the immediate meaning conveyed when a language is spoken in isolation, while the secondary meaning is dependent on the context; this is known as figurative meaning. On the other hand, lexical meaning refers to the literal meaning of language elements as symbols of things. The research aims to assess students’ proficiency in identifying figurative and lexical meanings and to compare this between the experiment and control classes. The study involved 46 students from the eleventh year at SMAN 1 Maja. It was a quantitative research study, indicating that the data collected were presented in numerical form and then interpreted using statistical analysis. The research tools included a questionnaire, observation, pre-test, and post-test. The results of the research showed that students' competence in identifying figurative and lexical meanings was low during the pre-test (5.23) and reached a sufficient level during the post-test (6.07). The post-test scores for figurative and lexical meanings were 6.57 and 6.92, respectively. The difference between pre-test and post-test scores was analyzed using t-tests, which yielded significant results for both the control class (t=4.84) and the experiment class (t=3.94) for figurative meaning, and for lexical meaning in the control class (t=2.712) and the experiment class (t=3.98). These results demonstrate that students' competence in identifying figurative and lexical meanings can improve their English proficiency, particularly in enhancing their speaking ability.</p> Titin Kustini Copyright (c) 2024 titin kustini Wed, 19 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Need Analysis in Developing Differentiated Assessment Instrument for 7th Grade Junior High School Students Based on Learning Style in Emancipated Curriculum <p>Assessment plays a crucial role in the process of acquiring a foreign language. Assessments are crucial to conduct in order to ascertain enhancements in student learning. The assessment results can serve as a guide for creating impactful learning activities for&nbsp;students. Teachers need to conduct diagnostic assessments as part of the emancipated curriculum in order to ascertain students' characteristics, learning styles, and learning needs. Differentiated instruction was implemented to accommodate the diverse characteristics and learning styles of students. This approach enables students to select learning methods that align with their individual learning style. Implementing differentiated instruction will result in the implementation of differentiated assessment by teachers. Teachers must adapt the assessment process based on the specific instructions for each individual learning style. Therefore, the objective of this research is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the needs of students and teachers throughout the learning process, with the aim of facilitating the development of differentiated&nbsp;assessment instrument&nbsp;for educators.</p> Ni Komang Ari Yunita Dewi, Mrs. Rahayu , Mrs. Dayu Istri Copyright (c) 2024 Ni Komang Ari Yunita Dewi, Mrs. Rahayu , Mrs. Dayu Istri Wed, 19 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Exploring Students’ Experience In Using Ai To Assist Their Writing <p>Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as an effective strategy for helping students improve their writing abilities in today's ever-evolving educational environment. Thus, this study investigates the benefits and applications of using an artificial intelligence assistant to strengthen students' writing skills. Thus, this study aims at investigating the benefits and applications of using an artificial intelligence assistant to strengthen students' writing skills. The data were obtained through observation, questionnaire, and interview. The results of the study revealed that the most commons AI used by the students are Chat GPT, QuillBot, Jenni AI, Grammarly, and StoryAI. The students used AI for different purposes such as for grammar checking, finding story line, getting ideas for the writing topic, and getting first feedback. In line with the results of this study, it can be concluded that AI can be one of the alternatives tools to foster students’ writing skills.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Eva Fitriani Syarifah, Afief Fakhruddin Copyright (c) 2024 Eva Fitriani Syarifah, Afief Fakhruddin Wed, 19 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 EFL Students' Anxiety in Speaking English: Factors and Strategies <p>Anxiety has a big role in affecting students' performance in learning English, especially in speaking class. This study aimed to answer three questions: (1) the anxiety level the EFL students got in a speaking class, (2) some factors influence it, and (3) some strategies that can be used to minimize the level of students’ anxiety. This research used a qualitative approach by adopting a questionnaire as an instrument. The participants of this study were 113 students; 68.1% female and 31.9% male students; from 4 different universities in Indonesia from different departments (an English and non-English departments). The results of this study showed that the student’s level of anxiety was still high which was affected by internal and external factors. Those factors tended to decide the level of their anxiety. In addition, this study also showed some suggestions that can be used as strategies to minimize the level of the student’s anxiety.</p> Masrurotul Ajiza, Arum Putri Rahayu , Setiawati, Tri Rohani, Dini Deswarni Copyright (c) 2024 Masrurotul Ajiza, Arum Putri Rahayu , Setiawati, Tri Rohani, Dini Deswarni Thu, 20 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Do Friends Help Us in The Learning Process?; STAD Method Implementation to Boost Students’ Understanding of English Text <p>This research aimed to determine the effect of the application of the Student Teams-Achievement Divisions (STAD) learning method on students' reading skills. The research design used was a one-group pretest-posttest design. The sample consisted of 40 vocational high school students. Data were collected through pretest, posttest, and group tests. Data analysis used paired t-test and one-way ANOVA. The results of the analysis showed that students' reading scores significantly increased after the application of the STAD method. The mean score of the pretest was 70.2, increasing to 82.4 in the posttest, and 85.1 in the group test. A paired t-test revealed significant differences between the pretest and posttest (p&lt;0.01), while an ANOVA test also showed significant differences among the three measurements (p&lt;0.01). The increase in scores from the pretest to the posttest by 12.2 points, as well as the higher group test score than the posttest, indicated the effectiveness of the STAD method in improving students' reading ability and good knowledge retention.</p> Muchammad Sofyan Firmansyah, Syaefani Arif Romadhon, Nawangsih Edynna Putri Copyright (c) 2024 Muchammad Sofyan Firmansyah, Syaefani Arif Romadhon, Nawangsih Edynna Putri Thu, 27 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The The Variation on Speaking Anxiety in Presentation Based on Genders <p>The majority of educational institutions require their students to be present in class. This study aims to investigate the factors that influence speaking anxiety among English language education students during presentations. The study takes a qualitative descriptive technique, experiences. Purposive sampling is used to choose participants from the University of Muhammadiyah in East Kalimantan. Data are gathered via surveys, observations, and interviews. The Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS) is used to assess anxiety. The study's goal is to learn more about how kids feel and manage speaking anxiety, which will have consequences for classroom practices and teacher interventions.</p> Dimas Ramadhany, Dzul Rachman Copyright (c) 2024 Dimas Ramadhany Dimas, Dzul Rachman Dzul Fri, 28 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700