
  • Kurniawan Arif Maspul University of the People, Pasadena, California, USA



This study investigates the impact of specialty coffee on workplace coffee breaks, with a focus on worldwide trends and its unique influence in Saudi Arabia. Specialty coffee has grown in popularity around the world due to its outstanding quality, precise sourcing, and distinct flavor profiles. With the emergence of specialty coffee, coffee breaks have been transformed into chances for increasing work productivity and establishing great team environments. Specialty coffee boosts employee happiness, contentment, and engagement by giving a more sensory experience. Its precise sourcing and roasting techniques can also improve cognitive function and focus, resulting in increased productivity at work. Furthermore, the emphasis in specialty coffee on sustainability and social responsibility connects with employees, instilling a feeling of purpose and pride. Practical strategies for implementing specialty coffee into office coffee breaks are reviewed, including ethical sourcing, variety, employee education, and community support. The findings emphasize the significance of embracing specialty coffee as a global trend and capitalizing on its potential to generate significant and delightful coffee break experiences in a variety of workplace cultures, including Saudi Arabia.


Specialty Coffee, Coffee Breaks, Workplace, Team Environments


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